HubSpot Onboarding: Partner Onboarding vs. Direct – Chart Your Course to Growth


Launching a powerful inbound marketing platform like HubSpot is a game-changer. But unlocking its full potential hinges on a smooth onboarding experience. That's where the big decision comes in: should my team opt for a HubSpot Partner-led Onboarding or HubSpot’s Direct Onboarding program?

As a HubSpot Diamond Partner founded and run by a team of former HubSpot employees, Growth Fuel Consulting has helped countless businesses of all shapes and sizes navigate this very crossroads. Our team has delivered both HubSpot’s direct onboarding engagements as well as partner-led onboarding programs, so we've seen firsthand the strengths and limitations of both approaches, and we're here to help you choose the one that best fuels your growth engine.

Partner Onboarding: Your Tailored Growth Formula

HubSpot isn't just software; when implemented successfully, HubSpot acts as an extension of your team, seamlessly integrated into your business processes to help you achieve your goals. That's where the magic of Partner Onboarding comes in.

Think of us, your HubSpot Partner, as your expert sherpa, guiding you through every step of the climb. We will:

Craft a custom roadmap: We delve deep into your business, understanding your challenges, aspirations, and existing tech stack. This personalized blueprint ensures HubSpot aligns perfectly with your growth trajectory.

Become your implementation wizards: Setting up HubSpot can be intricate. We'll handle the heavy lifting, helping configure tools, assist in migrating data, and building integrations – you just point and grow.

Train your team for mastery: We don't just hand you the keys; we empower you to drive. We offer comprehensive training sessions, tailored workshops, and ongoing coaching to turn your team into HubSpot ninjas.

Become your strategic partner: Beyond implementation, we're your sounding board. We'll help you define success metrics, analyze data, refine your approach, and continuously optimize your HubSpot utilization.

Is Partner Onboarding your perfect fit? Yes, if you're a business seeking:

Deep customization: You have complex needs, unique workflows, or a thirst for integrations beyond the ordinary.

Hands-on support: You want to learn, but not on a self-discovery trek. You crave expert guidance and a dedicated partner in your corner.

Industry expertise: Your niche demands specialized knowledge. We bring battle-tested experience in your field, ensuring your HubSpot strategy hits the mark.

Direct Onboarding: The DIY Path to Growth

HubSpot's Direct Onboarding empowers you to take the wheel, becoming your own HubSpot hero. It's a great option for:

Resourceful teams: You're a tech-savvy bunch, comfortable navigating online resources and tackling challenges head-on.

Simple setups: Your needs are straightforward, requiring minimal customization or complex integrations.

Non-Time Critical Launches: Direct onboarding takes place over a 90-day period with bi-weekly project meetings. If your team has the capacity to undertake the homework between these fortnightly meetings, then HubSpot’s direct onboarding program  could be a great option for you.

With HubSpot’s Direct Onboarding, you'll have access to a treasure trove of resources:

Knowledge base: Dive into an ocean of articles, tutorials, and FAQs to answer any burning HubSpot questions.

Video tutorials: Learn at your own pace with clear, step-by-step video guides covering every aspect of the platform.

Dedicated Onboarding Specialist: When you start your onboarding journey with HubSpot you will be assigned a dedicated Customer Onboarding Specialist who will connect with you on a weekly basis to guide your team to success with HubSpot. 

Choosing Your Growth Engine:

Now, the million-dollar question: which path paves the way to your HubSpot success story?

Here's a handy comparison table:


Partner Onboarding

Direct Onboarding


Deep, tailored to your unique needs

Limited, primarily a standardised approach


A dedicated team of former HubSpot employees who provide ongoing coaching, weekly project management meetings, and async support over WhatsApp / Slack / Teams / email

Bi-weekly calls, self-service, knowledge base


Comprehensive, personalized workshops

Weekly online guided sessions


Flexible depending on scope and budget

Fixed prices


Flexible, based on your needs

Standardized, typically 3 months

Ultimately, the best choice is the one that aligns with your specific budget, complexity, team size, and desired level of support.

Growth Fuel Consulting is here to help you navigate this decision. We offer complimentary consultations to assess your unique needs and recommend the optimal onboarding path for your business.

Remember: Your HubSpot journey is an investment in growth. Choose the approach that fuels your engine, empowers your team, and sets you on a path to inbound marketing mastery.


Bryan Cawse

Bryan has 15+ years of experience in tech consulting, tech sales, and developing go-to-market strategies for SaaS, cloud migration, and cybersecurity businesses in APAC. During his time as a Channel Account Manager at HubSpot, Bryan grew the first Gold-tiered HubSpot Partners in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines and achieved the highest re-sell rate in APAC. He is thrilled to now lead his own Diamond-tiered HubSpot Partner consultancy in Singapore!

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